Lisa Lehrman
Publications on the Web
I’m a front-end engineer looking for work in the San Francisco Bay Area. I like
contributing to open source projects
that seek to improve communication between humans in order to reduce gaps between cultures for the betterment of
society. Outside of coding my strength is in communication. I am looking to collaborate with and learn from a team
of diverse and awesome colleagues.
I want to create user-centered, quality software.
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Contact me
Lisa dot Lehrman @ gmail dot com
I'm self educated - You can find me studying math and programming in my free time
2022 Computer Science coursework at Chabot College
2019 Microsoft LEAP Full Stack Developer Training - Redmond, WA
2015 Full stack web development bootcamp at General Assembly - San Francisco, CA
2011 B.A. degree in English with a minor in Spanish - California State University, East Bay
(2021 - present) Sr Software Engineer @ Gap Inc. - San Francisco, CA
I'm currently the brand lead of the Banana Republic CMS UI dev squad.
Built library of UI components used by all Gap Inc. brands on the ecommerce platform
Built components driven by live marketing content, backed by a headless CMS
Onboarded interns and new grads; mentored on front-end technology and programming
(2020 - 2021) UI developer @ Apple Pay (contract) - Cupertino, CA
Built internal dashboards for Apple Pay QA
Led an internal front-end project to its first major release
Automated a report that had been manually emailed twice daily across the Apple Pay QA organization
(2019) Apprentice @ Microsoft App Center - Redmond, WA
Developed feature to distribute alpha / beta builds for app developers
Developed feature to allow for alpha / beta test groups